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The eldest son of Austrian and Hungarian immigrants, Anton was born in Toronto and played NCAA Division 1 soccer before giving up his athletic career to pursue filmmaking. After years of shooting wedding videos,

Anton had
his first breakthrough directing a music video for Canadian indie rock band The Dears,

which was featured on Wired Magazine and MTV. Anton’s passion for short format storytelling helped him transition into directing TV commercials across the world. His clients include Starbucks, JEEP, the Asian Games, Century 21,

California Realtors, Kraft, Dannon, Sports Chek and Samsung. Anton’s recent short-doc ‘Aftermask’

was featured as the ‘Best of September 2020’ by Shots Creative and is currently playing at select festivals.

The eldest son of Austrian and Hungarian immigrants, Anton was born in Toronto and played NCAA Division 1 soccer before giving up his athletic career to pursue filmmaking. After years of shooting wedding videos,

Anton had
his first breakthrough directing a music video for Canadian indie rock band The Dears,

which was featured on Wired Magazine and MTV. Anton’s passion for short format storytelling helped him transition into directing TV commercials across the world. His clients include Starbucks, JEEP, the Asian Games, Century 21,

California Realtors, Kraft, Dannon, Sports Chek and Samsung. Anton’s recent short-doc ‘Aftermask’

was featured as the ‘Best of September 2020’ by Shots Creative and is currently playing at select festivals.